cetus update #1

happy june!

not a super productive couple of months for the game. most of the changes i’ve added have been under the hood. a goal of this project is actually “shipping” something, the first step of which is getting the engine “vertically” complete, so that involves getting standing up a lot of basic functionality without a lot of game-making – or interesting things to look at.

in doing this, one of my current priorities is getting background music working. this requires having a consistent frame rate so that the music has a steady pulse. the frame rate isn’t totally consistant yet, but there’s been good progress towards that. i’ve broken my main loop from something like this:

	call waitUntilNextVBlank
	# time sensitive things
	call updateVram
	call playAudio
	# not time sensitive things
	call getInput
	call processInput
	call updateShadowVram
	jp main

which takes as many frames as it needs to go through a single loop, to a loop with two hardware interrupts:

	call processInput
	call updateShadowVram
	jp main
	call updateVram
	call getInput
	call playAudio

the main loop is always looping, except when it is interrupted by either 1. the vblank interrupt once every ~1/60th of a second to dump shadow vram iunto real vram or 2. by the lcdInterrupt which interrupts at the same rate somewhere in the middle of drawing a frame to update the audio being played.

this isn’t totally working yet, as the music seems to speed up when there is input, which is the opposite of what i would expect.

i’d written a very simple audio driver for playing sound effects, but it’s nowhere near sufficient for playing music. i’ve opted to use the third-party audio driver hUGEDriver instead of writing my own, which would be a game-sized project itself.

next up:
- continuing work on playing music correctly
- composing music
- updating menus to use the Window tilemap instead of the background one.