savory pumpkin soup
use vegetable stock for this recipe to be vegan
- 1 medium sized squash (i used a red kuri)
- 1 cup (or more) stock, chicken or turkey or veg
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 knob ginger, roughly peeled with a spoon
- some sprigs thyme (6?) (freeze first to make life easier)
- some bay leaves (3?)
- salt (~1 tbsp?)
- pepper (~1 tbsp?)
squash prep:
- chop up squash into chunks that will break down easily while boiling. i made them about an inch by a few inches, smaller is going to be faster.
- bring to a boil then cut to medium-low heat. boil the squash pieces for about an hour. once they start breaking down, help them out with a spatula until they are a puree. the target consistency will be on the thick side – we’ll use the chicken stock to thin it later. you can use an immersion blender to break down the squash if you want a uniform smoothness but i think the irregular texture looks nice.
the rest:
- add in stock and olive oil to bring the soup back to soup consistency
- add in the ginger, thyme sprigs, bay leaves, salt, and pepper. maybe go easy on the salt if you want and add it in to taste later. let it simmer for 20 minutes or so, stirring every so often.
- when it tastes good, fish out the bay leaves, thyme stems, and ginger knob. if you froze the thyme, the leaves will have detached from the stems and will look good in the soup ;)
add liquid or let simmer til it’s at a consistency you like. serve with warm toast!!